Sunday, March 28, 2010

Goforth Family Sneak Peak....

This lovely family called me over the week and wanted to have some family pics taken before they had to head back to their hometown. Of course I was so excited to do so. I will tell you though I was very upset with MR. WEATHER CHANNEL. He lied to me on several occasions. haha! First off the tide schedule was WRONG and 2nd off the % chance of rain was way off. I originally told them 6 cause the sun would be coming down and wouldn't have to worry about squinty eyes and such well today the weather said at 6 there would be a 70% chance of rain. EWWWWWWWWW no, don't want to do that, so we moved it up to 3 because at the time it said 0% well when it got to be 12, I checked again to be safe, well it had went from 0 to 50% so I called again and we moved it to 2. I was literally freaking out because well when you don't have a studio, its kinda hit or miss. If it rains, you have to cancel the whole shoot. Luckily for all of us it did sprinkle like 5 min before hand but then stopped for us to get a good 45 min in then it started back. It never did POUR down like it said it was going to, and really at 6 it ended up being the prettiest. It was still cloudy but you could see some blue skies. On a positive note, I did always want to shoot on a cloudy day, so it really worked out I think. I had alot of fun, as I always do. Here are a few that I wanted to share. The rest will be up soon.

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